$99.00 USD 이상 무료 배송
안전하게 당 신의 책가방을 청소하는 쉬운 가이드
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마모와 해짐

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부드럽고 깨끗한 타월

깨끗한 스펀지

부드러운 털을 가진 브러쉬

미지근한 물

무세제 비누

How to clean your backpack:
- Fill the basin, the bathtub or a bucket with plenty of lukewarm water. Pay attention – don’t use hot water because it can damage the colors
- Add some detergent-free soap into the water and mix it very well.
- Soak the clean sponge in water and clean the backpack’s exterior. Insist on the areas that are particularly dirty.
- To remove stubborn stains, scrub the backpack using the brush without rubbing too vigorously.
- Don’t forget about the areas that absorb sweat – insist on the shoulder straps, back panel, hip pads.
- Moisten the cloth in fresh, clean water to rinse the backpack.
- Let your backpack dry naturally in an airy place, but not under the sun.

How to remove spots:
Remember, in case of spots of any kind – oil, ink, wine, food, paint – remove them as soon as possible to avoid staining the material permanently. Use a dedicated cleaning product only on the affected surface.