Name of Product

수납 포켓

노트북 수납 공간

도난 방지 포켓

USB 충전 포트
Nordace Siena
일상을 위한 디자인. 모든 여행을 위하여.

완벽한 형태
모던한 정사각형 실루엣으로 제작된 Nordace Siena 스마트 백팩은 완벽하게 구성된 디자인으로 백팩이 비어있어도 꽉 차있어도 언제나 그 형태를 유지합니다.

어깨에도 부담없이
인체공학적 어깨 스트랩으로 그 무엇과도 비교할 수 없는 휴대의 편안함을 느껴보세요. 짧은 여행과 긴 여행 모두에 적합한 패딩 스트랩은 필요에 따라 조절이 가능합니다.

내 손엔 가깝게, 소매치기로부터는 멀리
귀중품은 후면의 도난 방지 포켓에 보관하고 소매치기로부터 보호하세요. 이 포켓은 지갑, 여권, 기타 필수품들을 보관할 수 있도록 세심하게 디자인되었습니다.

매끄러운 연결, 무한한 탐험
USB 충전 포트가 내장되어 있는 Nordace Siena 스마트 백팩은 기기의 전원을 충전된 상태로 유지시킬 수 있으며 이동 중에도 연결이 끊어지지 않도록 합니다.

캐리어와 함께 이동
편안한 이동을 위해 캐리어 고정 밴드로 백팩을 캐리어의 손잡이에 연결하여 어깨를 쉬게 하고 편안하게 공항을 돌아다니세요.

용량은 늘리고, 걱정은 줄이고
Nordace Siena 스마트 백팩은 일상 필수품을 모두 넣을 수 있는 넉넉한 메인 수납 공간을 갖추고 있습니다. 여러 개의 수납 포켓으로 가방 안의 물건들을 깔끔하게 정리하고 효율적으로 패킹할 수 있습니다.

노트북, 안전한 보관
이 백팩에는 15.6인치 노트북을 이동 중 손상으로부터 보호하기 위한 패딩 슬리브가 있습니다. 이 슬리브는 태블릿이나 스마트폰과 같은 다른 전자 기기를 보관하는 데 사용할 수도 있습니다.

언제 어디서든 수분 충전
Nordace Siena 스마트 백팩의 물병 포켓을 사용하면 어디를 가든 수분을 충전할 수 있습니다. 비가 오는 날에는 이 편리한 측면 포켓에 우산을 보관할 수도 있습니다.

선글라스도 안전하게
자주 사용하는 선글라스는 플리스 안감 포켓에 넣어 긁힘없이 보관하고 쉽게 꺼내세요

아이디어 얻기
If you want to surprises the traveler in your life with a cool gift, you can’t go wrong with a smart backpack 🎒
This Nordace Siena is my travel companion for almost two years now and it changed the way I travel as it helps me tame the chaos that’s usually in my bag. Oh, and it charges my phone on-the-go so I never run out of battery and miss the chance to take a photo. ❤️ I love it!
#travel #travelphotography #backpacking #smartbackpack #nordace #nordacesiena #traveltips #travelwithabackpack #petitelifestyle #ootd #outfitinspiration #backpackerlife
Finally working on some Grand Marais guides that will be hitting the blog soon 🤍 This spot has repeatedly been named one of the coolest small towns in America, and I must say I agree! Have you been to Grand Marais, Minnesota yet?
Oh how embarrassing! That sneaky @xnataliiiaaax caught me TOTALLY by surprise trying on my new @nordaceofficial bag!
Did I buy it because it has a water bottle pocket that fits my @livelarq?
Or was it because the color goes GREAT with my @vans?
Or am I trying to mess with all your social media algorithms so they send you ads for things that I would like so you can send them to me?!
For some reason, it just hits different here. 🗻
#peaceful #relaxing #rockies #alberta #visitalberta #banff #therockies #greatcanadianoutdoors #lakelouise #bluestofwaters #visitbanff #view #breathtakingviews #breathtaking
Going to the mountains, is going home..
#mountains #mountainsarecalling #mountainsofinstagram #mountainlovers #hiking #walking #austria #austriavacations #austriagram #traveler #traveltime #traveldestination #wheretofindme #voyaged #getaways #followmeto #jolienstravel
The (sustainable) bra we’re living in this summer
#taptoshop #goingplaces #sitesee #siteseeclothing #ecofriendlyproducts #ecofriendlyliving #clothingbrand #clothingbrands #clothingcompany #onlineclothes #onlineboutique #onlineboutiques #onlineboutiqueshopping #boutiquefashion #clothingstore #clothingboutique #womenclothingstore #fashionlabel #slowfashion #sustainablefashion #sustainableclothing #sustainablestyle #slowfashionstyle #ethicalstyle
Beauty on the road #egycukinénitőlvettem #ontheroad #summertime #summerbouquet #útonhazafelé #instahun #mik #thisissummer #ittanyár
Let's GOOOOOOO!!! 🏃🏻♀️
Y'all, restrictions are finally lifting here in B.C. and Alberta. I don't know about you, but I am ready for some adventure!!
If you are making travel plans for western Canada, SHARE + SAVE THIS POST. Here's what you need to know:
British Columbia:
👉🏼 May 25 - recreational travel within health region. No non-essential travel between regions.
👉🏼 June 15 - Provincial travel restrictions lifted. Recreational travel throughout B.C. allowed for British Columbians.
👉🏼 July 1 - Canada welcome. Host friends or family from out of province.
👉🏼 Sept 7 - Explore Canada. Visit friends or family outside B.C.
There have never been official travel restriction in AB however, here's what will be relevant:
👉🏼 June 1 - outdoor gatherings up to 10 ppl allowed, outdoor recreation allowed. Outdoor dining for 4 ppl/table allowed.
👉🏼 Mid-June - outdoor gatherings up to 20 ppl and indoor/outdoor dining for 6 ppl allowed.
👉🏼 Late June/early July - all restrictions lifted
👉🏼 July 9-July 19 - Calgary Stampede is happening 🤠
👉🏼 Currently all Alberta campsites (and hotels) are taking out of province bookings
Happy travel planning!
#liketkit #LTKtravel #LTKfit
With toot tooter on the... 🛵
Scooter! Well, actually, this old Dutch 🇳🇱 vehicle isn't quite a scooter as it also has pedals! This hybrid of a bicycle 🚲 and scooter 🛵 is called a Solex and can reach up to 30 km/h!
I'd totally buy one if they didn't make as much noise 😂. Would you own a Solex if you had the chance? 💖
ᕼᗩᒪᒪO ᒪIᕮᗷᕮ ᑕᖇᕮᗯᒪOᐯᕮᖇS
Thema Steuermarke ....
Optisch nicht immer unbedingt ein Highlight.
Naja, eigentlich nie 😀
Wie handhabt ihr das so?
Immer am Hund, in der Tasche oder lasst ihr die Marke zu Hause ?
Von uns gibt's Liebe für alle,
Paws high for CrewLove is the true Love & habt 'nen schönen Tag
ᗯᑌᖇᖴGᕮSᑕᕼᗯISTᕮᖇᑕᕼᕮᑎ 🤍
ᕼᗩᒪᒪO ᒪIᕮᗷᕮ ᑕᖇᕮᗯᒪOᐯᕮᖇS
Wie gestern in meiner Umfrage gewünscht , stelle ich euch wieder eins meiner Outdoor-MustHaves vor.
Mit 3 Kindern & Hund brauche ich viiiiel Stauraum um alles unterzubringen was man so benötigt.
Ich bin diesbezüglich schon letztes Jahr auf @nordaceofficial gestossen und habe mir den Rucksack Sienna bestellt.
Mittlerweile ist der auf unseren Ausflügen einfach nicht mehr weg zu denken.
Für Kurzreisen bekomme ich sogar alles mit, was ich sonst in einen Trolli packen würde.
Hier ein paar Facts zum Rucksack
•Strukturiertes Design
~Hält den Rucksack in Form, ob leer oder voll
•Egonomische Schulterriemen
~Kann an jeden Körper angepasst werden. Gepolsterte Gurte machen den Siena ideal für lange Wanderungen
•Versteckte Tasche
~Halten Sie Taschendiebe in Schach, indem Sie Ihre Wertsachen in einer der vielen versteckten Taschen des Siena aufbewahren.
•USB Ladeanschluss
~Erkunden Sie die lokale Landschaft, während Sie verbunden und mit Strom versorgt bleiben.
•Aussentasche für Wasserflasche
~Mit der unauffälligen Wasserflaschentasche des Siena haben Sie immer viel Wasser zur Verfügung.
•Fleecegefüttertes Sonnenbrillenfach
~Bewahren Sie Ihre Sonnenbrille in einer speziellen, gepolsterten Tasche auf.
.... und noch vieles mehr könnt ihr auf nachlesen
In diesem Sinne, Liebe für alle,
Paws high for CrewLove is the true Love & habt 'nen schönen Tag
ᗯᑌᖇᖴGᕮSᑕᕼᗯISTᕮᖇᑕᕼᕮᑎ 🤍
Elle était fraîche 🌊
Come visit this summer 🙏🏼☀️
#marseille #cassis #commeauxmaldives #nordace #jamaissansmaqwetch
If you told me years ago we had such a great view in Belgium, I would not believe you..
#lapasserelledumoulindelepine #hangbrug #bouillon #ardennen #wallonie #walloniemabelle #belgium #visitbelgium #mycountry #hometown #hiking #suchabeautifulbridge #traveler #travelgirl #nordacebackpack #nordaceofficial #wheretofindme #voyaged #getaways #jolienstravel
Once you need less, you wil have more.. ♡
#abbaye #villerslaville #wallonie #passionwallonie #walloniemabelle #visitwallonie #visitbelgium #amazingbelgium #belgiumoutdoor #belgiumblogger #hiking #traveler #travelgirl #beautifuldestinations #travelandlife #travelwell #travelmood #travelholic #jolienstravel #followmeto
#backpack #backpackgirl #nordacebackpack #nordaceofficial
I don’t want to look back on my life and be like I wish I did this or that!! So I take the chances l get in life!
I want to look back on my life and be like „Wow this was an Adventure!!!“ 🤩
Where is the best place you have ever travelled to?
🇩🇪 Ich möchte nicht auf mein Leben zurückblicken und denken: ,,Ich wünschte, ich hätte dies oder das getan!!“ Also nutze ich die Chancen, die ich im Leben kriege!
Ich möchte auf mein Leben zurückblicken und sagen: „Wow, das war ein Abenteuer !!!“ 🤩
• Träumen💭
• Erkunden
• Entdecken
Wo ist der beste Ort, an den du jemals gereist bist?
So I’m not rushing around tomorrow, I’ve spent the day trying to put my life into some kind of order (who knew I was so disorganised 😂). For those interested, here is what I will be taking into my LDPR placement:
♡ backpack
♡ student midwife’ tote bag
♡ ring binder for CADs
♡ day-to-view diary
♡ water bottle
♡ bento lunch box
♡ sanitary wear
♡ deodorant
♡ Nurofen & Pro Plus (🥳🥳)
♡ chewing gum
♡ pocket notebook
♡ EDD wheel
♡ pens
♡ lip balm
♡ hand cream
♡ hand sanitiser
♡ stethoscope
♡ midwifery pocket books
♡ fob watch
✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵
#midwifery #midwiferystudent #midwiferydegree #studentmidwife #midwife #student #maturestudent #studentmum #midwifelife #studentmidwifelife #aspiringmidwife #roadtomidwifery #maternity #birthingbabies #care #NHS #university #universityofhuddersfield #huddersfielduniversity #HudUni #HuddersfieldUni #undergraduate #undergrad #amidwifeinthemaking #mymidwiferyjourney #placementbag #midwiferybag
Me every time the Super Bowl commercials come on #bigfootballgirl #jk #hereforthefoodalways #andcommercials
Side note: did you guys know that The Weeknd’s real name is Abel Makkonen Tesfaye?? 🤯 learn something new everyday
Time to travel. Un maximum d'affaires pour un effet minimaliste.
#nordaceofficial #nordacesiena #backpackerlife #sacdevoyage #lesvoyageuses #smartbackpack
Look who’s new on insta 👀 @m.hadizulfiqar
Abaya is from @annah_hariri I love the design but I still questioned their integrity #annahhariri
Find the beauty in all that is around 🤎
Stay amazed!
Another picture of my visit to castle Pietersheim in Lanaken🏰
#nordace #nordaceofficial #backpack #visitlimburg #limburginbeeld #ilovelimburg #limburgnature #walking #exploring #explorebelgium #lockdown #onlytripsinbelgium #travelgirl #beautifuldestinations #jolienstravel #followmeto #travelawsome #worldtravelpics #citygram #instacity #travelmore
Hello you!
today would be nice to discuss a bit of a practical side of this hobby.
On my personal experience, a short one yet, is very important to plan ahead.
I love a good planning!
Every hike even small one, I prepare in advance like a day before.
I always consult the weather apps to not be too surprised .
Starting with maps and extra battery for my phone,
then personal items, like tissue, lip balm, extra socks,
I pack a normal and one waterproof, a hat, a scarf and gloves for this time of the year, obviously.
And then I plan for what else to wear.
We nature lovers appreciate the quality and the comfort that comes with a good gear, right!
I love the moisture free tops and light jackets as much as I love my comfortable boots.
I use a range of tops which I really like and my favorite Salomon boots,
that feels sturdy as my foot is wrapped around in comfort.
Another day in the snow my muddy boots come home clean as new, it was impressive!!
I know this is very personal
and everyone have favorites.
Do feel free to share with me what you like ,and have tested as I do know I have a lot to learn from this.
#wellingtonboots #hikingtrails #hikersofinstagram #hikinguk #hiking #walkingthedog #walkingtrail #trailrunning #uk #england #europe #countryside #nature #muddyboots #muddy #wetground #dirtypaws #landscapes #wildlife
#alltrailsapp #alltrails
#boxerdog #dogsofinstagram #natureza #trilhaspelomundo #trilhas #aventura #brasileirosnainglaterra
Back to work on this Tuesday. Wishing I was on an adventure with Gatsby instead
#siberianhusky #adventuretime #adventuredog #dogsthathike #dogslovers #dogs_of_world #hikingwithdogs #hikingdogsofinstagram #siberian_husky_world_feature #siberianhuskyofinstagram #siberianhuskylove #dogsthatexplore #dogsgram #lifewithdogs #hikingadventure #siberianhuskyofig #siberianhuskylovers #siberianhuskylover #dailydog #optoutside #adventuredognation #huskyheaven #dailybarker #cutenessoverload #hike365 #buzzfeedanimals #hikingdog #dogmomsofnyc #dogmomaf #catskills
Ravie de mon backpack reçu ce jour. Que ce soit pour la vie quotidienne, mon travail, mes voyages. Je l'adore 😍 🎒. Merci @nordaceofficial
#backpack #nordace #nordacesiena
#digitalnomadlifestyle #travel #nordaceofficial
Je vous ai déjà parlé de mon backpack Nordace??!! Il est tellement pratique et tellement beau 😍 Je vous en parle plus longuement cette semaine. 🚨ne manquez pas ça 🚨
When this much beauty is right on your doorstep 🙌🏻
Filling our Twixmas with day walks and reflection.
#villarsaintpancrace #frenchalpes #france #nordace #provencealpescotedazur #natureconnection #naturelovers #winter #snow #winterlovers #nature #france4dreams #france_focus_on #france_photolovers #france_vacations #photography #hicking #travel #mountains #france #hickingday #super_france #hickingadventures #hickingtime #hickingphotography #naturephotography #passionphoto #fujifilm #fujixt4 #xt4fujifilm #jerviel
This is me not ready to leave this holiday just yet. I wish we had another 2 days on the island. It has been such a relaxing holiday and I'm not fond of reality just yet 🌿🌲🌾
Damn can you believe its christmas eve already?
#explorewithme #hike #passagepeak #visitqueensland #thisisqueensland #seeaustralia
Nothing like a flashback to my favorite place; Humboldt. 🌲🪵
#humboldtcounty #humboldt #trinidad #travel #travelig #instatravel #instalike #happy #hike #outdoors #freshair #breathe #nature #redwoods #instagram #instadaily #instadailyphoto #memories
Ach wie gern säße ich jetzt dort auf dem Berg anstatt hier im Büro. Die Stelle auf dem Foto ist einer meiner Lieblingsplätze. Dabei ist es nicht so wahnsinnig besonders dort. Es gibt bessere viewpoints in den Rockies. Spektakulärere Aussichten. Schönere Wanderungen. Und trotzdem ist mir dieser Platz besonders lieb.
#bergliebe #explorecanada #rockymountains #germanauswanderer #goexplore #lieblingsplatz #germanincanada
Fall in Italy 🍁
Lakeview, aperol spritz, good pizza and Italian music in the background make a good day.
#lagomaggiore #lakeview #camping #campingitaly #familytrip #lakeside #nordace #backpack #florenz #bellaitalia #orange #bestplacestogo #beautifuldestinations #caravan #cannobio #fall
Been playing around w/ editing photos in #Lightroom lately 😆📸 So much to learn still, but I've been having fun with it! What skill are you currently working on building? 🤗
My goal is still to find and develop my own personal style/brand, but it's a journey because I have to keep exploring different things to see what I like 😅 I should really create a moodboard for myself on Pinterest haha 🥴 It's a challenging process, but honestly, I'm just trying to do stuff & figure it out along the way 😆 It's more productive to take steps & go through trial and error, instead of just thinking all day and not taking action 😅
How are you all doing with your 2020 goals? Have you completed any or what are you working on? Let me know in the comments below 😆👊🏻⬇️
#sulphurmountain #banffgondola #banffalberta #alberta #travelaberta #explorealberta #explorecanada #insidecanada #canada #mountains #nature #roadtrip #filmmaker #torontofilmmaker #blogger #solotraveler #adventurer #adventure #travelblogger #videographer #torontovideographer #youtuber #streamer #twitchstreamer #contentcreator #digitalcontentcreator #melstory #melstoryca
Spent the day chasing waterfalls 🙌🏻
#openmyworld #dametraveler #girlsthatwander #hikingbangers
#seeaustralia #australiagram #australia_oz #australiaslove #australia_shotz #ausgeo #australiangirl #visitaustralia #discoveraustralia #takemetoaustralia
#goldcoast #igersgoldcoast #discoverqueensland #wearegoldcoast #southerngoldcoast #migoldcoast
Algonquin park: Lake of two rivers!!
It’s a cliff lookout and you can see the nature and enjoy the fact that you’re surrounded by it!
Although it was raining, but the view makes it worth it.
I must say though, hiking while raining is very dangerous, especially when you’re going for a cliff lookout, it’s very slippery and please don’t go out on the edge for a “nice” picture! Safety first!
P.S. my favourite backpack: Nordace 😳✨
#travelcanada #traveling #travelwithacacia #parkscanada #algonquinpark #lakeoftworivers #trekking #roadtrip2020 #cliff #travelphotography #nordace #nordaceofficial #hiking #timberland
@timberland @timberland_ca
Where's the first place you'd travel to once the borders are open & it's safe to do so? ✈
I want to visit my sister (@raisingmylittlekays) in Singapore & honestly try living there like a local for a month 😆✌🏻 One of my dreams was always to live or work abroad 😊 but we'll see how everything goes & if I could even make that happen haha
📸: @marthy1009
🎨: @justin.put
#sulphurmountain #banffgondola #banffalberta #alberta #travelaberta #explorealberta #explorecanada #insidecanada #canada #mountains #nature #roadtrip #serene #serenity #filmmaker #torontofilmmaker #blogger #solotraveler #adventurer #adventure #travelblogger #videographer #torontovideographer #youtuber #streamer #twitchstreamer #contentcreator #digitalcontentcreator #melstory #melstoryca
My instinct when the temperatures drop is to burrow away under a duvet and wait it out until Spring. But I know that getting outside does SOOOO much for my physical and mental well-being. Here are a few things that I've found help me get moving when I really don't want to:
👉🏼 Bundle up with a buddy. Nothing keeps you more accountable than having to show up for a friend. Some of my best adventures were under the worst conditions, right @Alicia_Haque, @MSutts, @Sharkey_C? 😘
👉🏼 Dress for success. It's imperative that you're prepared in the mountains and (this one took a loooong time for my thrifty self to come around to) you honestly get what you pay for. Now, I basically don't leave the house without my @arcteryx Atom LT Hoody and Alpha SL waterproof jacket.
👉🏼 Find things you love. For me, it's getting outside for a quick walk or hike or it's hitting a yoga or gym class. I've never once regretted going but sometimes it's just so hard to get there. I've learned over the years that I am NOT a runner, and that's ok. I've found the things I love and now I just need to make time for them.
What are your tips for staying active when the colder months arrive? I'd love to hear them.
Jackets: @arcteryx.vancouver
Leggings/Hoody: @lululemonYVR @lululemon
Backpack: @nordaceofficial
Toque/Mittens: @roots (not pictured)
📷: @alicia_haque
#ichliebediesenrucksack #unbezahltewerbung #nordacesiena #nordace #austria #mountains #september #sunshine #ausflug #trip #hiking #adventure #love #summer #autumn #goodday #funny #smile #cute #samoyed #samojede #samoyedsofinstagram #dog #dogmom #dogsofinstagram #petsofinstagram #samoyedlove #puppiesofinstagram #watchmegrow #this_is_nanuk
It came out that it was a good invest 👍 my new buddy #nordace #backpack #travel #wanderlust #seetheworld #lessismore #travelwithstyle
“𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚, 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡.” @melindatse #banff #jaspernationalpark #alberta #canada #explorecanada #glacier #mountains #travel #roadtrip #gondolabanff #gondola #explorealberta #adventure #wanderlust #easthete #quotes #nordace #nordacesiena #nordaceofficial #insidecanada #sony #sonya7iii
If you've ever been on an adventure with me, you know that I'm basically just there for the snacks. So you would be SHOCKED to hear that the one frickin time I got lost I had no food, no water, low phone battery, and was basically totally unprepared. Hit the link in my bio for the full story - not my proudest moment.
So I thought it was a good opportunity to share with you (and to remind myself) to always bring these 10 Essential Things to Pack for a Hike. Below is a quick summary; you can read the full list on my blog:
👉🏼 Sun screen and mosquito repellent
👉🏼 Food and water
👉🏼 Flashlight
👉🏼 Matches and firestarter
👉🏼 A mirror
👉🏼 Waterproof layers
👉🏼 Fully charged phone with downloaded trails apps
👉🏼 First aid kit
👉🏼 Shelter
👉🏼 Pocket knife
Have you ever been out on an adventure and wish you'd had these with you? Anything you would add to this list? Tell me below.
What flying looks like these days ✈️. @joelrivas and I are off to KC, MO for exciting @heard_org developments 😍.
➡️ Also, I’ve been in LOVE with this travel bag from @nordaceofficial 🎒. It’s got all the right pockets in all the right places. Perfect for a light traveler. I fit our entire week long DC trip in here last month. ( #notsponsored )
As always, #travelsafely 💛. @southwestair has be so good to us on these trips. Their cleanliness, service, and attention to detail has made us feel so comfortable while traveling for work. Highly recommend choosing them if/when you need to fly.
This 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃 of mine was made to 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝚅𝙴𝙻
Lipari mit dem Roller, dem neuen Rucksack und natürlich den Taucherflossen erkunden, das stand heut auf dem Tagesprogramm. Feste Schuhe hätten auch gut getan, oder einfach nicht den Strand auswählen, zu dem man nur nach einem langen Marsch durch die Pampa kommt Aber wir lieben ja das Abenteuer 😅
Exploring Lipari by bike, the new backpack and fins that was today’s plan. Sturdy shoes would have been good too, or simply not choosing the beach that you can only get to after a long walk through the wild. But we love the adventure, right 😜
#girlswhotravel #traveladdiction #travellocal #beachfashion #vacationgoals #vacationmood #vacationgoals #travelgirls #freiheitsgefühl #freiheitstribe #bucketlisttravel #traveladdiction #aroundtheglobe #passportlive #mashurtrip #wonderfulplacestogo #travelinspo #sicily🇮🇹 #sicilytourism #sizilien #italytravel #italyiloveyou #loves_sicilia #nordace #nordaceofficial #lipari #lipariisland #islandlove #snorklingtrip #schnorcheln #snorklingtime #naturliebe
Trying to decide if we complete the hike or turn around for breakfast and mimosas.
Eerste week van jaar 2 🩺
▪️Het is alweer vrijdag en de eerste week van het 2e jaar zit er op! Zoals beloofd zal ik jullie bijpraten over de studentenpoli kindergeneeskunde op maandag, maar ook de rest van deze week! 👩🏼⚕️
▪️Maandag dus kindergeneeskunde, in het @wilhelminakinderziekenhuis. 🏥 Vanwege Covid-19 met wat aanpassingen om het allemaal veilig te laten verlopen, maar daardoor niet minder leuk en leerzaam. I.p.v. met 6 studenten in de spreekkamer erbij te zitten, ging nu 1 student per patiënt mee en kon de rest meekijken via een scherm vanuit een grotere ruimte. En juist dat vond ik eigenlijk heel fijn. Zo waren we minder intimiderend voor de (jonge) patiënten. 🥼 En wij konden van gedachten wisselen tijdens het gesprek zonder te storen, bv. over een bepaalde diagnose. 🗣 Het was weer even wennen om na zo'n lange periode (lees ruim een half jaar) in het ziekenhuis bezig te zijn, maar juist daarom ook heel tof.
▪️Op vandaag de "studentenpoli" neurologie na, was al het onderwijs voor mij digitaal. 👩🏼💻 Ik heb poli tussen aanhalingstekens, omdat het meer praktijklessen met tips&tricks voor neurologisch onderzoek zijn, dan echt een poli. Maar dit maakt het niet minder leerzaam - juist dit is handig om straks tijdens coschappen vaardiger te zijn! 👩🏼⚕️ Qua theorie onderwijs (lijn kennis zoals dat bij ons heet), zijn we nu met psychopathologie bezig. Dit had je misschien al gemerkt aan de quizjes in het thema psychiatrie en hersenen!🧠 En tot slot hebben we wederom Klinisch Denken lessen, waarbij we het hele ziektescript (verloop van ziekte van ontstaan tot nu) van een patiënt bevragen en daarna bijpassende onderwerpen uitzoeken en bespreken. 📋
▪️Weer een lange post en relatief weinig inhoudelijk, maar dan hebben jullie in ieder geval een idee hoe op dit moment de studie er voor mij uitziet. Later meer! 🙋🏼♀️
#geneeskunde #geneeskundestudent #SUMMAUtrecht #coschappen #pediatrie #neurologie #psychiatrie #artsinspe #medisch #coassistent #nordace #nordacesiena
PS: dit zijn mijn eigen stethoscoop, zakboekje en nieuwe tas! 🩺
Happy moments...
Preikestolen - Norway
#norway #preikestolen #fjord #norge#travel #girlswhotravel #traveladdict #visitnorway #travelgram #wanderlust #adventure #explore #happy #collectmomentsnotthings #landscape #naturephotography #view #naturelover #nationalpark #nordace #stayandwander #breathtakingview #gopro #earthpix #ourplanetdaily #outdooradventures #hiking #lasportiva #roadtrip #passionpassport
Look at this little pro hiker, captured in a rare moment of not needing to be carried or bribed.. 🤷🏻♀️ #lotsofsillynonhikergear #andnoidea
East Coast seemed so peaceful and less crowded than the West Coast. Maybe because of the virus? 🤷♀️ I loved it nonetheless! We’ll definitely be back! 🗺🦐🦞🦀 #socialdistancing #coronavirus2020 #keepyourdistance #family
San Gimignano ~🌻💞
@nordaceofficial the perfect travel companion ♥️
#sangimignano #sangimignanoitaly #sangimignanotuscany #toscana #roadtrip #tuscany #love #memories #goodtimes #friends #colorful #vicoletto #streetphotography #Nordace #nordacesiena #nordaceofficial
Si on peut emménager ici , je pose mes affaires tout de suite pour ce paradis 🐒
#nordace #chemindesneureuils #parcdelatetedor #defiphotoj’aime
A few foodie bits I got for uni alongside my trusty backpack! Getting so so excited to start using these... although it’s looking more like January rather than September with distance learning 🤣
#midwife #midwifery #studentmidwife #midwiferystudent #uniessentials #unibag #placementbag #healthcare #lunch #packedlunch #chillys #chillysbottles #nordace #amazon
Travel shopping alert❗️
Solcare nuovi sentieri è sempre un’ottima idea, soprattutto portando con sè un’attrezzatura confortevole.
Spesso e volentieri durante un viaggio riempio lo zaino di numerosi accessori, non solo difficili da recuperare quando servono, ma soprattutto che rendendo il bagaglio un vero macigno.
@nordaceofficial è una straordinaria azienda must nel settore borse da viaggio: ergonomiche, multifunzionali, ben strutturate tra tessuti e molteplici scompartimenti e con la presenza di un attacco usb per ricaricare pc/tablet/smartphone...
La Nordace è improntata sull’amore per l’avventura, sullo stile e sull’innovazione, ma soprattutto sulla praticità di spostarsi senza.
Vi lascio il codice “gaia10” per ottenere un ulteriore sconto del 10% su tutti i prodotti proposti da #Nordace 🎒
#WorldBehindWindow #travel #feelfreefeed #iamatraveler #worldtravelpics
#livefolktakeover #passionpassport #wanderlust #bestintravel #darlingescapes #girlswhotravel #traveldiary #simplyadventure #ABMTravelbug #flashesofdelight #openmyworld #wheretofindme #mytinyatlas #Nikon #beautifuldestinations #jetsetfam #tlpicks #willjourney #fromwhereistand #cntraveler #guardiantravelsnaps #tasteintravel #topeuropephoto
함께 패킹하기

제품 사양

재료: 반투명 패브릭 폴리에

무게 0.88 Kg (1.9 lbs)

노트북 공간
42 x 28 cm (16.5” x 11”)

발수 원단

물병 공간 X1 (1000ML)

머리 위 짐칸

USB 충전 포트

19L 량
노트북 슬롯
물 병 볼륨
충전 포트
카드 슬롯 차단
물 저항하는
기내 반입 안전
레인 커버 포켓
개폐식 키 가죽 끈
빠른 카드 액세스
어깨 끈에 선글라스 홀더
흉골 스트랩
그것이 맞는 방법

173 cm5’8”

173 cm5’8”

176 cm5’9”

176 cm5’9”

189 cm6’2”

189 cm6’2”

177 cm5’10”

177 cm5’10”

170 cm5’7”

170 cm5’7”

175 cm5’9”

175 cm5’9”

189 cm6’2”

189 cm6’2”

173 cm5’8”

173 cm5’8”

176 cm5’9”

176 cm5’9”

175 cm5’9”

175 cm5’9”
유선희 –
실물로 가방을 받아보니 군더더기 없이 깔끔하고 다양하고 효율적인 공간으로 만들어져 있어서 정말 마음에 듭니다 배송도 10일 정도 예상하고 주문했는데 6일만에 받았습니다 좋은 품질의 상품을 만들어주셔서 감사하고 빠른 배송도 감사드립니다
정s기 –
2022년 1월 3일 주문 2022년 1월 18일 도착 보름 걸림. 인스타 광고에 달리는 답글이나 후기들 보면 비교적 빨리 받은 편인듯. 물건 아주 만족스러움. 마감 좋고 재질 고급스러움. 다만 사이즈는 과연 그렇게 큰가? 싶은 정도의 크기임. 딱 제품 평가만 기준해서 별 5개 주겠음. 다만 한국인들한테 많이 팔고 싶으면 배송 추적 부분 개선할 필요가 있을 것임. 국제 배송은 EMS통해서 국내 배송은 우체국 거쳐서 옴.
이종경 –
좋은 디자인,
강태완 –
하찬호 –
대용량 진짜많이 들어가네 강추~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
yepnep –
가방컬러와 수납공간이 좋아서 구매했어요. 시중에 밝은컬러로 노트북 백팩이 다양하지 않아서요~
배송은 한국기준, 8/2주문 8/23 도착했어요. 16인치 맥북 잘들어가고 어깨도 편해서 잘쓰고 있어요! 배송이 오래걸린다는 것 빼면 완벽합니다.!
yjinny –
전반적으로 마음에 들어요. 큼직하고 수납공간 많고 깔끔하고 정돈된 디자인. 그런데 솔직히 (할인 전) 18만원이 넘는 가방이라기엔 좀 아쉬운 부분들이 있는 건 사실입니다. 어깨끈 패드나 가죽? 패치는 좀 저렴해보여요.
심지어…배송이…..하…. 여름치고 덜 더울 때 주문했는데 정작 가방을 받았을 땐 폭염이라 백팩을 못 들고 다녀서 사용감은 어떤지 모르겠는데…배송은 정말 각오하셔야 합니다. 금방 오셨다는 분들 참 부럽네요.
장학순 –
미뇽 –
우연히 광고 링크 따라와서 구매하게 되었어요. 배송이 2주 걸린다는 말을 듣고 느긋하게 기다리고 있었는데, DHL 배송으로 2일만에 도착했어요. (배송지가 유럽이어서 배송이 빨랐던 것 같기도..)
검정색 주문했는데, 사진에서 보는것과 똑같고요. 실용적인데다 단정한 디자인이라 너무 마음에 드네요. 40%까지 세일해서 더더욱 만족! 🙂
Henry Jo –
I think the backpack is very well made functionally and is made with high-quality material and colors. The price is reasonable although it would be more attractive if the price is around 99,000 and can be payable in 3~5 months.
I love to buy one of them when I have no problem with my budget.
장지현 –
가방은 예쁘고 좋은거같은데
가격대가 너무쎄다는거
그게 큰 단점이네요ㅠㅠ
사고싶고 당장구입하고싶은마음은
굴뚝같은데 가격때문에ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
김동진 –
지금까지 찾고 있었던 스마트한 배낭이네요. 간편하게 며칠 여행을 떠날 때 또는 출근할때 노트북 넣고 정장 수트에 딱 어울릴것 같다는 생각이 드네요.
pongjoon –
최고의 가방 입니다.
배송도 10일정도 걸렸는데 해외구매인걸 감안하면 빠른편입니다.
디자인과 실용성 모두 잡은 최고의 가방이라고 생각합니다.
Sienoh –
다 좋은데 등받이가 딱딱하게 잘 되어있지 않아서 좀 불편해요.
Everything seems good but little bit uncomfortable due to soft backrest. And also quality of strap seems low.
Namhui Park –
여행용 그리고 대학생가방으로2개구매했습니다.배송 일주일정도걸렸구요. 직접받아보니,많은기능에만족합니다. 특히선글라스주머니가 아주맘에들어요. 어깨끈도같이했는데 무게를감소시킨다니 기대가됩니다. 코로나잠잠해지면 이가방메고여행갛꺼에용.