5 Tips to Stay Warm During Winter Travels

Winter travel can be a magical experience, but it’s important to stay warm and comfortable to fully enjoy your adventure. Here are some tips and essentials to help you stay warm and comfortable during your winter travels.

Dress In Layers

There is a Norwegian saying that says there is no bad weather, only bad clothes. Cold weather can be uncomfortable, and if you’re not dressed appropriately, you may find yourself shivering. Dressing in layers will allow you to stay warm and enjoy your experience to the fullest when traveling in low degrees, whether you’re hitting the slopes or exploring a new city. Choose thermal clothing pieces designed to trap heat and keep your body warm, even in extreme cold. Opt for Merino wool which is a breathable, moisture-wicking fabric that helps to keep your skin dry and prevent sweat from cooling your body. For more tips about European winter travel essentials, you can check our dedicated blog post.

Choose Cozy Boots

When it comes to winter travel, choosing the right boots can make all the difference. Not only will they keep your feet warm and dry, but they will also provide the support and traction you need to navigate slippery roads and sidewalks. Choose a pair of cozy winter boots to keep your toes toasty and tackle your winter adventures with confidence and comfort.

Keep Your Head and Hands Covered

Gloves and beanies are some of the most important winter travel essentials. Your head and hands are particularly prone to heat loss, so it’s important to keep them covered to stay warm. Gloves can also provide extra grip and dexterity when handling luggage or navigating icy surfaces. Plus, these accessories will add a touch of style to your winter travel outfits.

Keep Water in An Insulated Bottle

It’s easy to get dehydrated in cold weather, so be sure to drink plenty of water. Instead of the classic plastic bottle, choose the Nordace insulated water bottle so your drink will remain at the desired temperature for longer. And, most importantly, it won’t freeze. Make sure you bring hot beverages when exploring the outdoors on a cold day. Avoid alcohol and coffee as they can cause your body to dehydrate and lose heat more quickly.

Eat Foods That Keep Your Body Warm

When traveling during the cold season, try as much as possible to fuel your body with warm, nourishing meals that will provide energy and heat from the inside out. Bananas, ginger tea, oats, and sweet potatoes are some of the best options to warm up on a chilly day. They are packed with nutrients and vitamins your body needs.

Preparing for winter travel means more than choosing the right clothing. As you can see, there are many factors to consider. By taking the time to plan and prepare for your winter trip, you’ll be able to fully enjoy your adventure and stay safe and comfortable throughout your adventures.